Project Office - Set
up and support + PM Consultancy
- Ansett - IT project office set up, training and

- Ansaldo STS Australia Pty Ltd - Project office set up,
executive briefing
- ASIC NSW Region - project office to manage
- Australian Submarine Corporation - ILS project office
training and support
- Australian Wine Portal - project management,
e-business development
- BP Australia - Harmony project, Victoria
- Centrelink - Primavera rollout & PMO systems
- Compaq CEC - PMO systems development
- Dept. Education Qld - Distance Education Project
Office set up, systems and training
- Engro Asahi Polymer & Chemicals Ltd (Pakistan) - interim
review, PVC expansion project
- ESS (Aust.) P/L - Systems development and admin.
- Golden Casket Lottery Corporation - project controls
- Institute of Arbitrators & Mediators, Australia (IAMA)
- dB development
- LEN Constructions Pty Ltd - property development
- Murray Irrigation Limited - PIIOP Program Review &
report to Board WG
- NetComm - R & D program office
- OGM Engineering - manufacturing project office
- OPCO - software management for Optus Communications,
set up project monitoring systems
- Opteon Property Group - PMO and controls (SharePoint)
- Optus IT - set up and manage various project offices
over 11 years
- Optus Management - Capital Efficiency Program
- Primavera Australia - Contract Scheduling
- Qantas Defence Services - VIPER maintenance management
system, C130 DLM [ see
more on VIPER ]
- Rapid Passive Fire Pty Ltd -Admin. support
- Roam Tolling Pty Ltd - IT project office
- Royal Australian Air Force and other ADF units - maintenance
management systems, ASPS, HERMES, VIPER
- SMS MT - project management consultancy services
- Telstra - project office, program and project
management services
- Transurban Infrastructure Development Ltd - IT project
- Virgin Mobile - business planning and Project Office
prior to launch
- Vodafone - planning support
- Project Management Training
Click here for a listing of
Mosaic's public training courses and workshops.
- ADFA - Australian Command & Staff Course 2006 - Visiting
- Advanced Technology Studies Center (Malaysia) - Workshops
- Successful Stakeholder Management, Kuala Lumpur, Aug.
- Communications, Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 2007
- Aerostructures Group - CAPM training
- Air Liquide - In-house Project Management OPAL
- Melbourne (7),
- Sydney,
- Auckland
- Airservices Australia - Scheduling & PMI-SP 2011,
2012, 2013
- Akolade Pty Ltd, Sydney - Scheduling Workshop 2012
- Asia ICT Project Management (Malaysia) - Workshops
- ASIC - 5-STEPS, Project Management
- ACEM Australasian College for Emergency Medicine - CAPM
- Australian Aerospace - PMP, CAPM, Scheduling
- Australian Computer Society - CCP assignment marking +
project management reference panel
- Bank South Pacific, PNG - PMP & CAPM training
- Brisbane City Council - 5-STEPS, Project Management
- Boeing Australia Limited - Mentoring, VIPER and PMO [
more on VIPER ]
- Care Connect - Project Management & methodology
- CIPSA Conferences - Stakeholder Management Workshops
2010, 2011, 2012 Auckland, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth.
- Civil & Civic / Lend Lease - Project Management
- Clariden Global Singapore - Workshops
- Sydney: Managing Project Delays, Disruptions and Poor
Performance with Effective Recovery Plan - 2016.
- Singapore: Building Effective Client Relationships
for Project Directors - 2016.
- Commonwealth Bank Premium Business Services - PMP
- CSL Limited - PMP Training
- Dept. of Defence
- APW Canberra, Sept. 2011 - PMP Training
- SEA 1180 Phase 1 OPV - EVM workshop (2-Day),
Canberra, Aug. 2018
- Dept. of Justice B|E|S|T (Vic.) - Stakeholder Training
- 2006
- Dot Connector Business Consulting Services, Shanghai - Scheduling
- DNV - OPM3 ProductSuite
- duMonde Group Pty Ltd - Workshops
- Albins Performance Transmissions Pty Ltd, Ballart -
Advanced project management
- DZ-Hampton (Singapore) - Workshops
- Mastering Project Management, Kuala Lumpur Sept. 2005
- EMP Asia (Kuala Lumpur) - Workshops
- Advanced Project Management Workshop, Kuala Lumpur
Sept. 2007
- Facilitated Risk Workshop, Singapore, Nov.
- Environment Protection Authority Victoria - Workshop -
Introduction to PM.
- Ericsson - Melbourne - PMP & CAPM Intensive
- Ernst & Young - PMP training
- Fallon Project Management - VIPER and 5-STEPS
- Foster's Group Limited - CAPM Intensive
- Hospira Australia - PMP training
- ICICI Bank Limited (Mumbai) - Workshop Advanced
Project Management, Feb. 2007
- IQPC - Workshop How to create effective IT projects
through effective Stakeholder Management, Sydney May 2007
- Infracorr Consulting Pty Ltd - EVM Training,
Melbourne, Aug. 2019
- J.A. Dodd - 5-STEPS, Project Management
- L3 Technologies Australia - EVM workshop (1-Day),
Melbourne, May 2019
- McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) P/L - Scheduling
- Sydney Oct. 2010
- Melbourne Nov. 2010
- Port Headland Dec. 2010
- MANAGEMENT-dialogue (Malaysia) - PMP training
- marcusevans SE Asia - Workshops
- Advanced IT Project Management, Jakarta Nov.
- Advanced Project Management, ICICI Bank - Mumbai Feb.
- Project Scheduling & Resource Planning, Kuala
Lumpur, May 2013
- Effective Monitoring & Control for Enhanced
Project Performance, Kuala Lumpur, May 2013
- Medibank Private - Stakeholder Management &
- Melbourne City Council - 5-STEPS, Project Management
- Mirvac Group - SureTrak training
- NBN Co Limited - PMI-SP Training
- Opteon Property Group - Project Management
Fundamentals (customised)
- Optus - 5-STEPS, Project Management
- OneSteel Rod, Bar & Wire; Engineering Alliance - 5-STEPS
Project Management
- PM Asia - Workshops
- PMI Canberra Chapter - PMP & CAPM, Short Course
- PMI GOC, SeminarsWorld™ - Stakeholder Circle Workshops
- 2007: Hong Kong, Denver, Dallas, Orlando, Scottsdale
- 2008: Sydney, Scottsdale, Las Vegas, San Degio
- 2009: Kuala Lumpur
- 2010: Milan
- PMI Malaysia Chapter - Scheduling Workshop
- PMI Melbourne Chapter - PMP & CAPM, Stakeholder
Circle, OPM3, Short Course Workshops
- PMI New Zealand Chapter - Stakeholder Circle workshop
- PMI Queensland Chapter - PMP & CAPM, Short Course
- Primavera Australia - PMP training
- Qantas Defence Services - Mentoring, VIPER, 5-STEPS,
Earned Value and PMO [ see
more on VIPER ]
- Queensland Education Department - PMP & CAPM
- Queensland Rail - Easy EVM & 5-STEPS Schedule
- RAAF - 5-STEPS, Project Management
- Rail Projects Victoria - Easy EVM training
- Rio Tinto Brisbane - CAPM & Stakeholder Management
- Shell Petroleum Brunei - PMP training
- Simplot Australia Pty Ltd - PMP training
- SP-AusNet - CAPM training
- Synateq Ltd - PMP training
- Tonkin Corporation - Scheduling Workshops
- Toplink Asia - Scheduling Workshops Kuala Lumpur &
- UNSW @ ADFA - Project Communications - Australian
Command & Staff Course
- University of Southern Queensland - Project Management
Course assignment marking (Dr. Lynda Bourne)
- University of Maryland University College (UMUC) - Project
Management Course Tutor (Dr. Lynda Bourne)
- Victoria Police - project management training
- Virgin Mobile - business start up
- Project Planing and Scheduling
- ADI - Bains Harding Joint Venture - construction
- Australian National Audit Office - submarine project
- AW Edwards Pty Ltd (Qld) - construction planning
- Bovis Lend Lease (Civil & Civic) - construction
planning and contract staff
- BP Australia - PMO Support - Harmony &
Accelerate projects
- Brisbane City Council - Scheduling
- Compaq - IT project planning, configuration and
capacity planning
- D&R Engineering (Qld.) Pty Ltd - construction
- Dartnell Grant & Associates Pty Ltd - construction
planning and contract staff
- DEC - IT project planning (OPCO)
- E.A. Watts - construction planning and monitoring
- Engro Asahi Polymer & Chemicals Ltd (Pakistan) - interim
review, PVC expansion project
- Fallon Project Management Pty Ltd - planning systems
development (VIPER / FleetOPS) [ see
more on VIPER ]
- Fletcher Challenge / Fletcher Construction Ltd - project
and construction planning and monitoring
- Foxboro, Qld - Hong Kong Railway tender
- Golden Casket Lottery Corporation - project controls
- Hallett Powerstation, SA - upgrade planning
- Hawker de Havilland - F111 DSRS Project planning system
support and training
- Inland Oil - project planning (mini refineries)
- Keppel Cairncross Shipyard Limited - ship repair,
estimating dB & schedules
- Lanskey Constructions Pty Ltd - construction planning
- Lurgi Australia Pty Ltd - construction planning and
- Mainzeal Ltd (NZ) - planning system support and
- Mount Isa Mines Ltd (Hilton) - underground scheduling
system development and training
- O’Donnell Griffin Pty Ltd - construction planning and
- Optus - Y2K, GST and FBT projects
- Optus Vision - Cable TV Build - Brisbane: planning and
- Paynter Dixon Pty Ltd - project and tender scheduling
- Primavera Australia Pty Ltd - project scheduling
(contract staff)
- Remm Pty Ltd - project and construction planning and
- Siemens Ltd - tender planning
- Solander Industries Pty Ltd - construction planning
and monitoring
- Stawell Gold Mine (MPI Mines Ltd) - underground
scheduling system development and training
- TAD Pty Ltd - construction planning and monitoring
- Tam Faragher & Associates Pty Ltd - construction
planning and monitoring
- Thiess Pty Ltd - construction planning and monitoring
- Thiess Watkins White Pty Ltd - construction planning
and monitoring
- Tracey Brunstrom and Hammond Pty Ltd - construction
planning and monitoring
- Walters Construction Group - tender & construction
planning - unit developments & commercial building
Clients -
Stakeholder Circle and OPM3
Stakeholder Circle Clients
- 3rd Annual International Mastering IT Project Management
Conference, Malaysia - Workshop
- 3rd Annual Metropolitan Planning & Design Summit,
Sydney May 2008 - Workshop
- APM Terminals International B.V. Netherlands - Stakeholder
management methodology and Workshops
- 2007: Den Haag (2), Singapore, Beijing, Charlotte,
- 2008: Panama, Muscat
- 2009: Den Haag
- CIPSA Conferences - Stakeholder Management Workshops
2010, 2011, 2012 Auckland, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth.
- Department of Corrections (Prison Service), Wellington, NZ
- Workshop
- Department of Infrastructure, Victoria - Stakeholder
management methodology & tools
- Department of Justice, Victoria - Stakeholder
management methodology & tools
- Department of Transport, Victoria (formally DOI) - Stakeholder
management methodology
- Gladstone Ports Corporation - Stakeholder management
methodology & tools
- Informa Australia Pty Ltd - Workshop
- IQPC - Workshop How to create effective IT projects
through effective Stakeholder Management, Sydney May 2007 -
- National Measurement Institute - Workshop Sydney
- PETRONAS (Petroliam Nasional Berhad)- Kuala Lumpur -
November 2018, Stakeholder engagement workshop
- PM Ed - Workshops
- 2006: Workshops - Perth
- 2007: Workshops - Perth
- 2008: Workshops - Canberra, Hobart, Perth
- 2009: Workshops - Perth
- PMI SeminarsWorld - Workshops
- 2007: Workshops - Hong Kong, Denver, Dallas, Orlando,
- 2008: Workshops - Sydney, Scottsdale, Orlando, Las
Vegas, San Degio
- PMI Melbourne Chapter - Workshops / training
- PMI New Zealand - Workshop (Christchurch)
- PMI Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Workshop
- PMI SA Chapter - Workshop / training
- PMI WA Chapter - PM Ed Workshop
- PMOZ 2006 & 2007 Conference - Workshops
- ProjectPlus, NZ - Workshops
- Richardson O'Rourke Consulting Pty Ltd - Stakeholder
management methodology
- Rio Tinto Brisbane - Workshops
- RMIT University - Workshop MPM for Risk Management
- Skanska UK - M25 Upgrade bid
- Tiba Managementberatung GmbH, Munich - Workshop
- Victoria Police - Workshops
- Wolverhampton University & WMCCE, UK - Workshop
OPM3 Clients
- Ansaldo STS - Asia Pacific Region - OPM3
ProductSuite Assessment & Improvement Planning
- Ark Group Australia P/L - OPM3 workshop
- Det Norske Veritas Certification B.V., Nederlands (DNV), -
Subcontract support to OPM3 ProductSuite development and
- Monash University, Melbourne - OPM3 ProductSuite
Assessment & Improvement Planning
- Parmalat Australia Ltd - OPM3 ProductSuite Assessment
& Improvement Planning
- Project Management Institute, USA - Research and
report on OPM3 + volunteer team members for OPM3 v1 and v2
- PMI Melbourne Chapter - Workshops
- PMI Canberra Chapter - Workshops
- QUT Brisbane - OPM3 ProductSuite Assessment &
Improvement Planning
Clients -
Dispute Management Services
- ADI - Bains Harding Joint Venture - litigation support
Yallourn Powerstation
- Carneys Lawyers, Sydney - expert witness
- Champions Lawyers - expert witness report (Riva
Hawthorne - foundations)
- Dartnell Grant & Associates Pty Ltd - claims
preparation - Aldi Warehouse Melbourne
- Doyles Construction Lawyers -
- forensic investigation (various projects),
- expert witness, Arbitration
- litigation support (various projects),
- systems development for Security of Payments Act
- Foundation Supportworks Australia Pty Ltd - expert
witness report (Winton Wetlands Pedestrian Bridge)
- Geotech Pty Ltd expert witness report (Riva Hawthorne -
- HIH Insurance - expert witness (Contractor's PI
Insurance claim - LDs, prelims & overheads)
- Holding Redlich Lawyers - expert witness report (Winton
Wetlands Pedestrian Bridge)
- John Holland, SPM Southern Region - expert witness (EOTs
and schedule)
- MinterEllison Lawyers -
- litigation support, expert witness (Laverton North
Power Station)
- claims analysis (ThyssenKrupp -v- Stork ICM)
- Moray & Agnew Solicitors - litigation support,
expert witness (Winmalee STP, Blue Mts.)
- Port Douglas Car Rentals Pty Ltd - litigation support
and documentation
- Rusca Bros. Group Pty Ltd - expert witness report (NACC
- Shedden Uhde Pty Ltd - claims analysis (Ammonium Nitrate
Explosives Plant, Moura, Queensland)
(grouped by industry)
Some of the projects assisted by members of the Mosaic team and
its predecessors (MPI and CPS) include:-
Government &
Business Projects
- ASIC NSW Region PMO - project office set up, support and
- Australian National Audit Office - Submarine Project
- Australian Submarine Corporation - ILS PO, scheduling
support & training
- Dept. Education Qld PMO - Distance Education Project
Office set up, systems and training
- Optus Capital Efficiency Program - systems development
and support
- Optus Marketing & Regulatory projects - planning,
monitoring systems and training
- Optus Sales QA programs - NSQA dB development and
- Queensland Rail - Report on Enterprise Scheduling tools
- VIPER / FleetOPS - scheduling, EV and resource
levelling, systems development, training and support
- Virgin Mobile - business planning, set up and develop
Project Office prior to launch
Projects - ICT
- Ansett - IT PMO and resource planning
- Australian Computer Society (ACS) - CMACS marking &
- Compaq - IT project planning, configuration and capacity
- DEC (OPCO program office) -
- IT Project Office, set up, develop systems
- monthly Board reports to Optus Communications
- IAMA - Website and dB development
- NetComm - R&D project office
- Optus Analogue and GSM Mobile launch - develop and run
various project offices, training and support
- Optus Capital Efficiency Program - develop and run
project office, data management and planning systems
- Optus GST Project - project office and resource
planning, monitor and reporting
- Optus Y2K Project - develop and run project office and
resource planning systems, monitor and reporting
- Polkadots - dB development
- Telstra - P3 Integration, project office development,
project and program management
- Transurban IT Program Office - development and
- Vodafone - IT planning support
Projects - Maintenance
Management & Shutdown Planning
- ASPS (RAAF) - scheduling and resource levelling, systems
development, training and support
- F111 DSRS Project - schedule training and support
- HERMES (Fallon PM / RAAF) -
- scheduling and resource levelling,
- systems development, training and support
- Keppel Cairncross Shipyard Limited - ship repair,
estimating dB & schedules
- Oaky Creek Coal - maintenance shutdown planning and
- VIPER (Fallon PM / ADF / Qantas Defence Services /
Australian Aerospace / Boeing) -
- scheduling, EV and resource levelling,
- systems development, training and support [ see more on VIPER ]
- Construction & Engineering
- Airports
- Brisbane International Terminal - project planning and
- Dubbo Airport Redevelopment - tender program
- Sydney International Terminal Redevelopment - construction
planning and monitoring
- Tindal RAAF Base NT - construction planning,
litigation support
- Commercial Projects
- Bond University - construction planning
- BP Harmony & Accelerate Projects - upgrading of BP
Services Stations, project planning and monitoring
- Brixton Civic Center - UK - project coordination, site
- Edward St (Brisbane) - New streetscape (footpaths and
furniture) - construction planning
- EXPO 88 - construction planning
- Helensvale State School - construction planning and
- Garden Point Sound Shell - project planning
- ICA Casey College - project planning
- Melbourne Tram Privatisation - tender planning (build
and maintain tram fleet)
- Monash Aquatic Centre - construction planning
- Muscat Naval Base, Sultanate of Oman - project
coordination, site engineering
- New Parliament House, Canberra - East Zone
construction planning and monitoring
- Optus Vision Cable Roll Out, Brisbane - project
planning and monitoring, data management systems and
project office systems
- Peterborough Telephone Exchange Expansion (UK) - project
coordination, site engineering
- The Other Woman (luxury yacht) - construction planning
and litigation support
- Wodonga Police and Court Complex - construction
- Wool Stores, Hendra - construction planning
- High Rise Units / Hotels

- ANA Hotel - construction planning and monitoring
- Bayview Units - tender program
- Broadbeach Units - construction planning
- Burleigh Heads Units - construction planning
- Chevron Units - construction planning
- Coolangatta Units - construction planning
- 52 Esplanade, Gold Coast - construction planning
- Main Beach Units - construction planning
- Maroochydore Units - construction planning
- Quarterdeck Units, (Gold Coast) - construction
- St Kilda Road Units - tender program
- Surfers Paradise Units - construction planning
- Low Rise Residential / Units / Hotels
- Brisbane Townhouses - construction planning
- Crystal Palace Townhouses (UK) - project coordination,
site engineering
- Hacienda Motel, Hamilton - construction planning and
- Magic Mountain Units - construction planning
- Palm Cove Resorts - construction planning and
- Port Douglas Resorts - construction planning and
- Yorky's Knob Units - construction planning and
- Zegat Units, Palm Cove - construction planning and
- High Rise Office Buildings
- Brisbane (444 Queen, 61 Mary St, Elizabeth St, Eagle St,
North Quay) - construction planning and monitoring
- Gold Coast - construction planning and monitoring
- Melbourne - tender planning
- Sydney - construction planning
- Hospitals
- Gold Coast - construction planning
- Ipswich Psychiatric Unit - construction planning
- Mackay Base Hospital - construction planning
- PA Hospital - construction planning
- Redcliffe Hospital - construction planning and
monitoring, project coordination, litigation support
- Royal Brisbane Hospital (Block 7) - project
coordination, site engineering
- Industrial

- Aldi Warehouse, Melbourne - electrical S/C
installation monitoring and reports
- Belmont Substation Expansion - construction planning
- Brisbane Grain Terminal - construction planning and
monitoring (conveyor system)
- Burrinjuck Dam - litigation support
- Castlemaine XXXX Brewery Extension - construction
planning and monitoring, project coordination
- Distribution warehouse Extension, Aldershot (UK) - site
- Fisherman Island Water Police facility - construction
- Fishing Wharf Port Douglas - construction planning
- Moura, Queensland, Ammonium Nitrate Explosives Plant -
claims analysis
- RORO wharf, Townsville - construction planning and
monitoring, project coordination
- Service Stations (new, rebuild & upgrade), Qld, Sydney
and Melbourne - construction planning
- Sulphuric Acid Plant Mt Isa - construction planning
and monitoring
- Yallourn Powerstation Deconstruction - asbestos
removal & demolition: planning, resource scheduling
and monitoring, litigation support
- Petrochemical & Energy

- BP Hobart (Self's Point) Bitumen Plant Upgrade - construction
- BP Project Blackport Bitumen Plants (Townsville, Brisbane,
Melbourne) - construction planning
- Callide B Powerstation - construction planning
- Engro Asahi Polymer & Chemicals Ltd (Pakistan) - interim
review, PVC expansion project
- Haymarket Substation - litigation support
- Inland Oil - project planning
- IPS Hallett Power Station, SA - project planning
- Jubail Export Refinary (Package 6) - risk management
- Kogan Creek Powerstation (buildings) - construction
- Laverton North Gas Fired Power Station - litigation
- MetroGrid 330kV Cable Tunnel - litigation support
- Sides Engineering, Port Kembla Wave Energy Project - claims
- Somerton Power Station, Melbourne - construction
- Rail Projects

- Coomera Station - construction planning and monitoring
- Helensvale Station - construction planning and
- Ormeau Station - construction planning and monitoring
- QR Tilt Train - track upgrade, construction planning
- Victoria Fast train project - electrical systems,
schedule control
- Shopping Centres
- Action supermarkets, Beenliegh and Rochedale - construction
- Bribi Island Shopping Centre - construction planning
- Bunnings Warehouse - Stafford - construction planning

- Coles Glen Waverley Refurbishment - staging plan &
construction schedule
- Galeria Shopping Centre - construction planning and
- Koala Park - construction planning
- McWhirters Market Place - construction planning
- Myer Centre Adelaide - project planning and
monitoring, litigation support
- Myer Centre Brisbane - project planning and monitoring
- Pentagon Shopping Center (UK) - project coordination,
site engineering
- Porsche Centre Brighton - construction planning
- Robina Town Centre - tender schedule
- Sussex Inlet Redevelopment - tender schedule
- Tourist
- EXPO 88, Brisbane - project planning and monitoring
- Mount Coot-tha Botanic Gardens - Japanese garden -
construction planning
- Sunshine Golf Club - tender planning
- 'The Station' Jindabyne - construction planning
- Wet & Wild Theme Park - construction planning and
- Water & Sewage Treatment Plants
- Elanora Sewage Plant - construction planning and
- Freshwater Creek WTP Cairns - construction planning
and monitoring, project coordination
- Hope Island Sewage Plant - construction planning
- Merrimac Waste Water Treatment Plant - construction
- Murray Irrigation Limited - PIIOP Program Review &
report to Board WG
- Winmalee STP - expert witness
Projects -
- Mount Isa Mines (Hilton) - underground mine schedules
- Norwich Park Coal Prep Plant - project coordination,
construction planning and monitoring
- Oaky Creek Coal - maintenance shutdown planning
- Rocky’s Reward Linster, WA - underground mine
- Stawell Gold - underground mine schedules