Available for Australian and International Sales!
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The Stakeholder Work Sheet is a sophisticated spreadsheet based on the Stakeholder Circle methodology designed to manage all of the key aspects of stakeholder engagement including:
This spreadsheet uses embedded macros and is designed for use by one business unit, project or program.
Comprehensive on-line help is available from embedded links in the spreadsheet or simply click through to our help pages.
The SWS bundle includes a free copy of the SoaP word template to assist data gathering.
Your spreadsheet is available as an instant download after purchase plus a link will be forwarded by Email.
$50.00 AUD / $55.00 AUD (GST Incl. Australian sales only) Buy Now
Download a limited preview version of this file with sample data included.
The sample version allows the first 5 stakeholders to be edited, and all of the macros to run.
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