PMKI > General
& References > PM reference sites and blogs
we like.
- Project Management Associations
- Project Management Reference Sites
- Project Management Journals (Free)
- Project Management Blogs
- People We Know
Other related sections of the PMKI:
AACEi - Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering - International association for cost engineers, PMs and planners: https://web.aacei.org/
AcostE - Association of Cost Engineers (UK) - UK National Association: https://www.acoste.org.uk
APM - Association for Project Management (UK) - UK National Association: https://www.apm.org.uk/
AIPM - Australian Institute of Project Management - Australian National Association: https://www.aipm.com.au
GAPPS - Global Alliance for Project Performance Standards: https://www.pmprofessions.org/
IPMA - International Project Management Association - Council of National PM Associations: https://www.ipma.world
ICEAA - International Cost Estimating & Analysis Association: https://www.iceaaonline.com/
IRNOP - International Research Network on Organizing by Projects: https://www.irnop.org/
Major Projects Association - The UK based Association exists to improve the initiation and successful implementation of major projects in all industries: https://majorprojects.org/
PGCS - Project Governance & Controls Symposium - Australia’s leading PM Conference supported by Mosaic: https://www.pgcs.org.au/
PMI - Project Management Institute - The worlds leading 'not for profit' project management organization: https://www.pmi.org/
Crossrail Learning Legacy - for the collation and dissemination of good practice, lessons learned and innovation from the Crossrail construction programme: https://learninglegacy.crossrail.co.uk/
INSEAD Knowledge - Business, project and risk knowledge portal: papers, books etc: https://knowledge.insead.edu/
Major Projects Association is a membership
association for organizations engaged in the delivery and
the development of major projects, programs and
portfolios. Its purpose is to improve the initiation,
delivery and outcomes of major projects through the
interaction of our broad range of members in sharing
experience, knowledge, research and ideas.
Max Wideman - Including Issacons (Issues and Considerations), PM Glossary, Papers & Books, Max's Musings, and Guest Articles: http://www.maxwideman.com
PM Connection - Their mission is to advance the Project Management profession (period): http://www.pmconnection.com/
PM World Library - An online set of resources related to modern, professional program and project management (P/PM) - free and paid membership. It is an archive of all works originally published in the PM World Journal (PMWJ): https://pmworldlibrary.net/
- A free framework for the management of projects,
programmes and portfolios. It includes a body of
knowledge, methodology, competency framework and
capability maturity model. The framework is supported by a
knowledge base of resources and an encyclopedia. https://www.praxisframework.org/
Project Governance and Controls Symposium (PGCS) - Library of archived presentations: https://www.pgcs.org.au/library/
Project Management.com - The free one-stop shop
for PM answers owned by PMI: https://www.projectmanagement.com
- Over 4,000 articles from industry experts
- Over 1K Templates
- Over 550K peer connections and experts to offer specific
ProjectManager.com - The resources section of this website has 100s of videos, templates and a regular blog: https://www.projectmanager.com/resources
The Project Management Search Engine (PM Connection): http://www.pmconnection.com/modules.php?name=Google_Search
Tasmanian Government PM Framework - The Tasmanian Government Project Management Framework Guidelines and supporting resources: http://www.egovernment.tas.gov.au/project_management
PM World Journal (PMWJ), a free, non-refereed, online publication devoted to knowledge creation and sharing, and continuous learning in the field of modern program and project management (P/PM): https://pmworldjournal.com/
Project Governance & Controls Annual Review (PGCAR), a free, refereed, online publication focused on advancing project knowledge and research in the Australian context: https://www.pgcs.org.au/academic-papers/papers/
Project Accelerator News, on-line magazine with the latest trends and thinking in project management: https://www.projectaccelerator.co.uk/about/
Project Manager Today - The monthly magazine for project people: https://www.pmtoday.co.uk/
A Girl's Guide to Project Management is a blog for project, programme and portfolio managers and project delivery professionals: https://www.girlsguidetopm.com/
GanttPRO Project Management Blog, created to help project managers and teams become productive and efficient in their fields: https://blog.ganttpro.com/en/
Herding Cats - Ideas, comments, and resources about project management: https://herdingcats.typepad.com/my_weblog/
(The) Project Management Podcast - Free audio podcasts on a range of project management topics: https://www.project-management-podcast.com/Voices on Project Management: https://www.projectmanagement.com/blogs/286796/Voices-on-Project-Management
Arthur Shelley - Author, The Organizational Zoo: http://www.organizationalzoo.com/
Eastwood Harris - Primavera and Microsoft training books: https://www.eh.com.au/
G. G. Betros & Associates - South Australia, Consultancy and training: https://www.gbaprojects.com.au/
Jon Whitty - University of Southern Queensland, controversial new ideas on the development of project management based on memes and memeplex (ideology): https://staffprofile.usq.edu.au/profile/jon-whitty
Micro Planning International Pty Ltd - Consultancy and training, home of the Micro Planner range of PM software: http://www.microplanning.io
Mindavation - Canberra and USA, training and consultancy - innovative thinking: https://mindavation.com/
Oliver Franz Lehmann (Munich) - Free PMP questions - links to many providers: https://www.oliverlehmann.com/home.html
Tracy Bourne - Singer, Theatre Maker, Teacher, Researcher, specialising in new music theatre: http://www.tracybourne.com/