PMKI > Project
Controls and Scheduling > PM Software and
- Project Management
Software and Tools
- Scheduling Software and
and Dynamic Scheduling Tools
Scheduling books and resources
- Barchart,
Gantt Chart & Diagramming Tools
- Line
of Balance and Time/Chainage Tools
- Viewers
and Data Access Tools
- Schedule
Quality & Analysis Tools
- Cost, Estimating &
Earned Value
- Estimating
- Project
Cost Management
- Earned
Value & Earned Schedule
- Risk Management &
Decision Support
- Project
Risk Management
- Schedule
Risk Management Tools
- Decision
Support Tools
- Integrated Portfolio,
Program and Project (PPP) Management Tools
- Team management &
Collaboration software
- Artificial Intelligence
- AI
- General project management software
- Construction / Engineering management
software (industry page)
explosive growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
guarantees AI enabled software will become and integral
part of project management practice. As well as
adaptations or direct use of generic tools such as ChatGPT
many new AI enabled project management tools are being
released and established tools upgraded to embed AI in
various ways.
Where we have identified an element of AI is included in a software listed on these pages, the flag - AI - is included against the name. At this time we have not attempted to classify or qualify the type of AI, or how effective it is, given the rate of change keeping the web pages up to date is not feasible.
Apps listed here use large language models (LLM) to answer project management questions and provide project specific information. They are similar to the generic Apps such as ChatGPT, but have been trained on project management documentation and resources which should generate better responses. For more on this type of App see The Evolution of AI.
- AI - FREE - a collaboration
between Projecting
Success UK, and Praxis, supported by Mosaic and
other IP owners. Marvin has been trained on a wide range
of quality project management resources including the Praxis
Framework and Mosaic's
PMKI (and is largely ring-fenced from generic, often
incorrect, data on the wider web.
Marvin is currently in Beta Testing - https://llmjonah.azurewebsites.net/
Project Infinity - AI - PMI Infinity is the project manager’s AI-powered learning assistant based on PMI standards and documentation, generated and vetted by the PMI global community of professionals to reinforce and validate your understanding of complex subject matter, and get interactive and detailed responses for a truly unique learning experience: https://infinity.pmi.org/chat (PMI members have free access)
PMOtto.ai - AI - Your AI-powered assistant. PMOtto.ai is designed around three layers of functionality. The first layer is based on GPT-4's large language models. The second layer constitutes its unique project management layer derived from one of the industry's most comprehensive project management datasets. The third layer, the enterprise layer, allows for incorporating any organization-specific project documents, historical data, methods, and other internal system data. PMOtto.ai is now avaliable at OpenAI GPT Store: https://www.pmotto.ai/
Chat GPT & Google Gemini - AI
- are not project specific, but have been trained
on 'all' of the information on the internet. These tools
seem to provide reasonable answers to many project
management questions and can write credible documentation
but will often reproduce incorrect information that has
been widely circulated. How they improve over time
will depend on its training/learning capabilities:
Blg: The evolution of AI. AI is not as new as some people imagine. Some of the mathematics underpinning AI can be traced back to the 18th century and many of the fundamental concepts were developed in the 20th, but there was very limited use of AI. The ability to make widespread practical use of AI required the development of computers with sufficient processing capabilities to process large amounts of data quickly. This post traces the evolution of AI over the last 60 years enabled by developments in computer technology.
The Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem. This
post looks at the applications that make up the AI
ecosystem and briefly outlines what the various terms
LLM and Project Management – The Intelligence in AI is
limited! This post demonstrates the
significant limitations in some LLM applications at the
end or 2023. Based on one test, while LLM tools can help
save time bringing together information from diverse
sources, their training is limited to absorbing
information from documents, the next stage of development
involving qualifying and grading the data may be a way
off. So if you do not know the right answer to a question,
you cannot rely on an AI tool using LLM to provide you
with a way out.
Download the full 'chat' with Project
AI Needs Smart People to use it. Simply
relying on an answer from an AI system is a recipe for
disaster. This post looks at a guide designed for
professional advisors to use when engaging with AI, and
demonstrates the problem based on a 'paraphrased
conversation with CoPilot'.
Download the full discussion paraphrased
in the Blog Post.
Blg: AI is coming to a project near you!. This post summarizes the way AI is starting to influence mainstream project management tools and applications.
Blg: Critical Path Characteristics and Definitions. The second part of this post looks at the problem of Gen AI systems referencing, and then re-referencing, incorrect information creating a false framework for people. The example is the incorrect use of float to define the critical path.
AI -
The application includes some elements of
Artificial Intelligence, click
to see more.
- FREE - Some
options are free for a period of time (some tools are
completely free)
- Software search system - Free directory of over
300 project management software solutions: https://www.capterra.com/project-management-software/
infinitrac - Document and Project Management Platform accessible from anywhere at anytime: http://www.infinitrac.com/en-us/
in-STEP BLUE - Requirements and process management system for overall project control: https://www.microtool.de/en/products/in-step-blue/ (Germany)
inSynchro - Integration Manager (IM) provides integration between office systems and scheduling tools, Executive-Eye is a 'C-Suite' dashboard and briefing tool: http://www.insynchro.com
Kiwili - Business management software for small businesses (based around ERM and CRM) that incorporates project management, time management and project billing modules: https://www.kiwili.com
Method 123 - Project Management Templates, Tools,
Forms and Processes, including free papers and a free
e-book: https://www.method123.com/
- Online project management
software: https://www.projectmanager.com/
MPMM - Software to help you build, customize and share project management methodologies and Life Cycle tool-sets: http://www.mpmm.com
ProjectAI - AI
- Helps project managers make sense of people’s
collective insights for better project outcomes by using a
combination of stakeholder knowledge and intelligent
algorithms to identify issues. Use the latest in knowledge
management and AI technology to present your critical
business data in a way that executives can easily
understand … and access in real-time. Enhance risk
management, and keep an eye on your project and its
stakeholders to predicatively calls out and advise when
major issues are likely to derail the project: https://projectai.com/
Project Control Pro - A cloud based application that pulls together the various parameters generated by a project onto a common platform to calculate secondary parameters such as productivity and earned value and display all measured parameters next to each other for comparison: http://controlpro.cloud/
Proteus by Xergy - Proteus project software has two powerful modules; the sales module and the project delivery module. Integrating with existing systems to provide a fully connected platform, the sales and delivery modules support project teams from the early opportunity stage through to project close out: https://xergy.com/
Sensei - Jump-starts that include industry standards and best practices in our cloud-based platforms: https://www.senseiprojectsolutions.com.au
Circle - The Stakeholder Work Sheet is a
sophisticated spreadsheet based on the Stakeholder
Circle methodology designed to identify,
assess, prioritize, and manage the key aspects of
stakeholder engagement: https://mosaicprojects.com.au/shop-stakeholder-worksheet.php
TrueProject - AI - benchmarks your organization's knowledge, behaviors, and processes against a repository of successful and challenged projects. It looks at the people aspects of your project, as well as the process aspect identifying those areas in need of attention: https://trueprojectinsight.com/
Unison Program Management Suite enables your team to easily manage CDRLs and configurations, track and mitigate risks, monitor budget and assess scheduling impacts: https://www.unisonglobal.com/product-suites/program-management/
Week Plan - Priority Planner for Effective People: https://weekplan.net/
AI -
The application includes some elements of
Artificial Intelligence, click
to see more.
- FREE - Some
options are free for a period of time (some tools are
completely free)
unites all your project management and construction safety
programs in one location: https://1breadcrumb.com/
4castplus - a centralized, integrated platform where multiple project disciplines can share workflows and data in the same solution to execute on major construction projects: https://4castplus.com/
Aphex. Builds your lookahead plans from the master schedule links your team and push performance data to your existing reporting workflows: https://www.aphex.co/
ARES PRISM - Integrated PPP cost management
software solutions providing enterprise project controls
software that oversees the complete project management
life cycle, delivering dependable estimating, forecasting
(EVM), procurement, cost control, and performance
measurement: https://www.aresprism.com
ConstructMind - AI - Generative scheduling, budgeting, resourcing, and reporting using using the power of AI and real-time analytics: https://compassconsult.co/constructmind/
EcoSys EPC - Enterprise Project Performance Software for Portfolios, Projects, and Contracts: https://www.ecosys.net/
Elecosoft - Digital construction solutions that address the major parts of a construction project. Combinations of their software products enable 4D and 5D BIM by linking project schedules with cost plans and 3D models to drive greater collaboration and efficiency benefits: https://www.elecosoft.com/
LETSBUILD - Mobile apps for progress reporting in live from site in real time. Document management, Progress and planning (including 'pull planning'), QHSE and overall control and insights: https://www.letsbuild.com/
Hexagon PPM - The asset life cycle solutions for
design, construction, and operation of industrial
facilities: https://hexagonppm.com/
INEIGHT -AI - Cloud based software to control and manage your programs and projects, including: schedule, estimating, cost and protect control, document management, scope management, integrated reporting, and integrated 3D modelling: https://ineight.com/solutions/
inTact - A web based tool designed to implement lean construction and last planner concepts based on work areas, trade sequences and standardized cycle times: https://www.intakt.app/
iPlanSTO - AI - Software for the management of maintenance: shutdowns, turnarounds and outages: https://www.iamtech.com/america/products
ipmGlobal - Integrated project management and document control software for the construction industry, embedded in Microsoft Dynamics 365 and the Office 365 Suite: http://www.ipmglobal.net/
ISETIA - Fully integrated project management and document management functionality in one platform. links with ISETIA BIM to create a digital twin: https://isetia.com/
kahua - Kahua’s construction program and project management software enables innovation with collaborative purpose-built solutions for owners, program managers, general contractors and subcontractors: https://www.kahua.com
Matrak - Materials management software providing an end-to-end digital supply chain. The app makes project drawings interactive and generates a bill of materials to coordinate and track materials, equipment and on-site progress that any stakeholder on a project has access to: https://www.matrak.com.au
mpower - project cost and performance management
system designed and developed for use in engineering,
construction, maintenance and operations environments:
Novade - AI - a cloud based next-generation construction management platform to manage HSE compliance, identify safety risks, drive quality assurance, and an integrated site diary to track progress and resources: https://www.novade.net/
Octant AI - AI - a transformational artificial intelligence approach to improving project performance across multiple financial, time and risk key result areas by combining custom machine learning with actionable insights to provide improved project outcomes: https://octantai.com/
Oracle Smart Construction Platform - combines industry-trusted applications with a common data environment and an ecosystem of partners to help owners and delivery teams work together and continuously improve outcomes: https://www.oracle.com/au/construction-engineering/smart-construction-platform/
OnTrackPM - Advanced levels of governance, controls, and visibility for large (construction, facility, or infrastructure) projects: http://www.ontrackengineering.com
PlanGrid - Construction productivity software,
access all project information from wherever you are,
PlanGrid is a part of Autodesk Construction Solutions, and
your single source of truth: https://construction.autodesk.com/products/autodesk-plangrid-build/
PlanRadar - Digital task management, communication, and reporting system, in one portable mobile app. Collect and report data, connect to other systems, develop schedules, and view data through customized dashboards: https://www.planradar.com/
PMWeb - A 100% web-based enterprise application that provides a powerful, easy-to-use solution for for the entire plan, build, operate lifecycle across a full portfolio of projects: https://pmweb.com
PROCORE - integrated construction project management software including Indus.ai - AI: https://www.procore.com/en-au
ProjectManager.com - Construction specific option
of the Web-based central hub where teams can work, plan,
and achieve things together. May be integrated with Google
Apps or Microsoft: https://www.projectmanager.com/
Project On Track - Construction ERP system
designed to streamline and optimize construction
management processes in a real time, multi-user data
collaboration model for monitoring and reporting: https://www.projectontrack.net/
quickbase - An integrated solution to see, connect, and control every detail of complex projects, allowing you to create, connect, and customize enterprise applications: https://www.quickbase.com/
RIB CCS - An enterprise solution to fast-track
digital transformation towards 5D BIM project lifecycle
management, and enterprise digitization, The combination
of modules enables full cost control, on-site
collaboration, and business intelligence throughout the
lifecycle of a project, including EVM capabilities, in a
5D BIM Enterprise Construction Cloud:
- RIB Candy: First principles estimating, planning
and project controls for the Built Environment.
- RIB CostX: A complete 3D/BIM and 2D Estimating
- RIB CX: Collaboration Exchange - web-based real
time collaboration tool
- RIB BuildSmart: Full spectrum cost management
for all aspects of enterprise cost accounting.
Scenario Enterprise - Brings structure and control to your information, commercial and compliance processes: https://projection-group.com
SitePRO Log - Construction Plan Manager, view,
draw, measure, add notes & bookmarks. Easy to record
certification evidence, project diary & reports, add
photos and videos: http://siteprolog.com/
SiteWalker - Export a .xer file from Primavera P6
and load into SiteWalker to give access to your entire
team. View the schedule or a unique 'flipbook', map
interface on any device. Update status, add notes, and
prove it with pictures. Save time by importing updates
back into Primavera P6 seamlessly with an .xer file: https://get.sitewalkerapp.com.
SMART technology - developed by Lewis Woolcott, the platform gives you access to plant activity and efficiencies, monitors rainfall and parameters that affect project planning, productivity and profitability: https://www.lewiswoolcott.com/smart-technology/
SmartPM - Seamlessly integrates with your existing CPM scheduling software, providing Automated Project Controls™ that reduce costly delays, overruns, and disputes on your commercial construction projects: https://smartpm.com/
STACK - an easy-to-use, all-in-one, cloud platform for takeoff, estimating and proposal: https://www.stackct.com/
SYNCHRO - part of the Bentley suite of software (see also out BIM page). SYNCHRO’S digital solutions increase the visibility, predictability, and productivity of your construction projects, your team can plan and better manage people, materials and equipment more easily and affordably: https://www.bentley.com/software/synchro/
Touchplan - interactive web-based app designed for scheduling construction projects: https://www.touchplan.io
Viewpoint - Connecting critical business functions like accounting and project management with field operations using a collaborative and intuitive cloud-based solution: https://viewpoint.com
Click through to see more on Construction Management.
AI -
The application includes some elements of
Artificial Intelligence, click
to see more.
- FREE - Some
options are free for a period of time (some tools are
completely free)