PM Software and Tools

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This subject looks at the the range of project, program and portfolio management software and tools available to use (many free). A brief description and links to the developers’ web sites are provided.

Topics included in PM Software and Tools:

- Project Management Software and Tools
- Scheduling Software and Tools
      - CPM and Dynamic Scheduling Tools
      - CPM Scheduling books and resources
      - Barchart, Gantt Chart & Diagramming Tools
      - Line of Balance and Time/Chainage Tools 
      - Viewers and Data Access Tools 
      - Schedule Quality & Analysis Tools 
- Cost, Estimating & Earned Value
      - Estimating
      - Project Cost Management
      - Earned Value & Earned Schedule
- Risk Management & Decision Support
     - Project Risk Management 
     - Schedule Risk Management Tools 
     - Decision Support Tools 
- Integrated Portfolio, Program and Project (PPP) Management Tools
- Team management & Collaboration software
- Artificial Intelligence
- General project management software
- Construction / Engineering management software
     - BIM software (industry page)

Scheduling Methodologies Books and resources

- AI -        The application includes some elements of Artificial Intelligence, click to see more
- FREE -  Some options are free for a period of time (some tools are completely free)

Cost, Estimating, & Earned Value

CostThis section includes three different types of software, estimating tools, project cost management tools, and earned value management tools.
Click through to see more on project estimating.
Click through to see more on project cost control.
Click through to see more on earned value management.


ARES PRISM - see Contruent, 

Benchmark Estimating Software - A flexible, easy-to-use estimating & bidding software that is ideal for any industry. It allows you to streamline and simplify your cost estimating processes, while improving the consistency and accuracy of your quoting. Cloud and desktop options available:

Cleopatra - A  multi-faceted set of capabilities focused on improving project performance and maximizing capital investments including estimating:  

Contruent capital project management software (Formally ARES PRISM) uses the value of Data Analytics and Business Intelligence to create intelligent Dashboards giving full project visibility that is fast, accurate and in real time. Its integrated PPP cost management software solutions providing enterprise project controls software that oversees the complete project management life cycle, delivering dependable estimating, forecasting (EVM), procurement, cost control, and performance measurement:

InEight Estimate (Hard Dollar)- Streamline the entire estimating process by creating benchmarked estimates and bid proposals, then know where your project is going with budget management and real-time forecasting based on actuals received from the field: 

Namcook Analytics a predictive tool for the early sizing and risk profile analysis of software development projects that supports up to 60 development methodologies:  

QSM  powerful estimation and project intelligence software, powered by the largest database of its kind:  

RIB Candy & CostX: First principles estimating, planning and project controls for the Built Environment: :
(see RIB CCS in Construction Management)

ScopeMaster Based on requirements, calculates the real functional size of your teams’ work or backlog in ISO standard functional size measurements: 

SEER® - Knowledge Based Estimation to support project planning and execution:

STACK - an easy-to-use, all-in-one, cloud platform for takeoff, estimating and proposal: 

Unison Cost Engineering provides the framework, models, and data required for accurate, on-time estimates. The tool dynamically link cost, schedule, and uncertainty to technical requirements, including analysis, design, implementation, and verification:  

Click through to see more on Estimating.


Project Cost Management

ARES PRISM - see Contruent,


Cleopatra project cost management - A  multi-faceted set of capabilities focused on improving project performance and maximizing capital investments. The system includes estimating, budgeting, planning, scheduling, cost management and control, Earned Value Management (EVM), progress measurement, and benchmarking - to analyze cost and productivity through the full life cycle of enterprise level projects:  

Contruent capital project management software (Formally ARES PRISM). Integrated PPP cost management software solutions providing enterprise project controls software that oversees the complete project management life cycle, delivering dependable estimating, forecasting (EVM), procurement, cost control, and performance measurement:

EcoSys EPC - Enterprise Project Performance Software for Portfolios, Projects, and Contracts; including EVM:

Empower - A browser-based analytical tool that integrates earned value, schedule, work authorization, and other key performance data to enable proactive management of complex projects. Empower is designed to quickly locate problem areas, identify trends, display information graphically, provide insight into data quality issues, and support data-driven audit initiatives, and integrated workflow:

InEight control - Streamline the entire estimating process by creating bench marked estimates and bid proposals, then know where your project is going with budget management and real-time forecasting based on actuals received from the field:

mpower - project cost and performance management system designed and developed for use in engineering, construction, maintenance and operations environments: A sophisticated scheduling engine that buys you time and solves the time / cost problem by calculating the time-cost curve for a project allowing you to either adjust the overall project duration to minimize the total cost, or identify the cost needed to accelerate completion: 
Note: This idea was part of the original development of CPM in 1957 -
          click through to see more on the history.  

Click through to see more on Cost Management.


Earned Value Management (EVM) & Earned Schedule (ES)

Chrono™ - A MS Project add-in that provides an all-in-one integrated system for integrated master schedule development including EVM and earned schedule management: 

EVMCurvesPro for Microsoft Project will create traditional Earned Value charts from your MS Project schedules:

Deltek Cobra - Comprehensive cost and earned value management software to manage and analyse budgets, earned value, actuals, and forecasts:

Deltek wInsight Analytics - Seamlessly analyze cost and integrate earned value performance into your management processes:

Project FlightDeck - offers automated calculation and reporting of ES metrics regardless of your scheduling tool using Project FlightDeck's Schedule Performance Analyzer© for Excel: 

Easy EVMEasy EVM is an introduction to implementing EVM in an organization based on ISO 21508: Earned Value Management in Project and Programme Management. Its purpose of is to provide practical guidance to people, and organizations, involved in either implementing an earned value management system, or using information created by an earned value management system.  See more.

Easy EVM Workbook, is a simple spreadsheet that performs the calculations needed to apply EVM to normal projects. It is recommended for use on straightforward engineering projects up to $20 million and ICT projects up to $10 million, both with a pragmatic work package design. See more.

Click through to see more on Earned Value Management.

Top - AI -        The application includes some elements of Artificial Intelligence, click to see more
- FREE -  Some options are free for a period of time (some tools are completely free)

Risk Management & Decision Support

Project Risk Management

Camms Risk - Enterprise risk management software to manage risks, audits, incidents and hazards:

InEight Risk Management - incorporate real, on-going risk assessments so you easily manage risk from bid, to execution and mitigation — right through to retirement.:

nPlan - AI - Data-driven schedule risk analysis and assurance nPlan's AI forecasts project outcomes using historical data, making risk assurance easier, faster, and more reliable by using machine learning to analyze the schedule and predict outcomes:

PRC Software - Risk Management Software Suite for Project & Program Controls:
  -  PRC Enterprise Risk Register is a web-
      based software solution which allows for the tracking of project, program and portfolio risk
  -  PRC Enterprise Cost Risk Analysis
  -  PRC Enterprise Schedule Risk Analysis is a schedule Monte Carlo software solution.

Risk Decisions - Predict! The Predict! suite of management and analysis software provides everything your organization needs to manage risks across projects and programs, plus a range of risk resources, consultancy, and support:

Riskonnect - Risk management software solutions that can be integrated into one platform to manage risk and compliance across your organization and beyond (including Sword GRC solutions):  

RiskyProject - A complete suite of project risk analysis and project risk management software in one seamless package that integrates with scheduling and planning tools:

RiskToolsRiskTools - Risk Management (DIY, Initial Assistance or tailored solution) see
RiskOrganizer for managing risk
UncertainCostManager for assessing financial risk.
Use in combination if you want to:
• Know how much cost to allow for carrying risks
• Assess estimate uncertainty
• Derive a bottom line for resolving claims
• All while improving governance then see:  

Safran Risk - Enterprise project and risk management, including powerful and intuitive schedule and cost risk analysis for complex projects:

Click through to see more on Risk Management.

Top - AI -        The application includes some elements of Artificial Intelligence, click to see more
- FREE -  Some options are free for a period of time (some tools are completely free)

Schedule Risk Management Tools

Chrono™ - A MS Project add-in that provides an all-in-one integrated system for integrated master schedule development, schedule risk analysis, and earned schedule management: 

Deltek Acumen Risk - Account for scope uncertainty, work complexity, risk events, weather events and opportunities to determine true cost and schedule risk. Acumen Risk is full-featured and very user friendly:

Full Monte Schedule Risk Analysis - From Barbecana a cost and schedule risk analysis tool for Microsoft Project and P6. Calculates the range of probable dates for every single activity/milestone in the project in a single analysis and identifies all potential critical paths through the project. Sensitivity Analysis helps identify key areas to reduce uncertainty in deliverable outcomes:

NetRisk™ - A module for NetPoint® (see above) that allows you to perform qualitative and quantitative risk analysis: 

Click through to see more on Schedule Risk Management.

Top - AI -        The application includes some elements of Artificial Intelligence, click to see more
- FREE -  Some options are free for a period of time (some tools are completely free)

Decision Support Tools

AI Predictor - AI - Based on 90 meticulously crafted yes/no questions this innovative tool offers a prioritized list of projects ranked by their likelihood of success: [email protected].  Based on

JANUA - decision intelligence software is designed with a 6-step decision-making framework in mind to enable fast and precise action-review cycles, it supports RACI, RAPID®, DACI, Advice Process and Janua™ frameworks. The decision workflow is managed, and all decision are documented in the decision register:  

iMindQ - FREE - AI - Web based mind mapping software built on on Lucidspark’s infinite canvas to allow team collaboration: 

iThink - Decision and system modelling tool:

MACBETH - Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation Technique, management of complex problems involving qualitative value scores and weights: 

Top - AI -        The application includes some elements of Artificial Intelligence, click to see more
- FREE -  Some options are free for a period of time (some tools are completely free)

Easy EVM

Work Performance Management

Project Charter Template

Stakeholder Work Sheet

Stakeholder on a Page

Easy EVM

Project Charter Template

EVM Work Sheet

Risk Management Plan

Easy CPM

Work Performance Management